Older Song Collections

Here are files that were previously posted on the Pagode page,
but have now been updated.  The latest version of these documents,
which contain the most songs, can be fount on the Pagode page.

These legacy versions are provide so that you may attain versions
that might be compatible with files that had been downloaded previously
by others.  (In others words, so that you pages match up.)

The Oringal "Bible"
(A large collection of popular pagode tunes, including some Axe and
Forro tunes before they were split into separate documents.)
[805K Word Doc] - Updated 3/5/05

(Our first set of classic Forro tunes)
[89K Word Doc] - Updated 3/5/05

Sambas.doc (865K Word Doc) -Posted 8/16/05
Forros.doc (104K Word Doc) -Posted 8/16/05
AxeMusic.doc (121K Word Doc) -Posted 8/16/05
Sambas.doc (960K Word Doc) -Posted 1/20/2009

Here are some sub-sets which we have used for set-lists
for shows.  They each include some Samba, Axe, and Forro.

Senzala Gig - March 17, 2007

Senzala Gig - April 11, 2008