Sambao Para o Povo

Booking Procedure (Draft 1 - 6/25/02)

1.  A gig is identified by ANYONE in the group.  Contact information is collected and provided to the Gig Coordinator, at least three weeks prior to the engagement.

2.  The Gig Coordinator contacts the venue to collect a specific date and time for the gig, as well as compensation and perquisites for the group.

3.  The Gig Coordinator contacts the Musical and Dance Directors and requests availability and commitment on behalf of the group.

4.  The Musical and Dance Directors contact the necessary dancers and musicians to determine if a quorum can be met for the specified date and time, and they provide a response to the Gig Coordinator within one week.

5.  Once the gig has been approved by the Music and Dance Directors, the Gig Coordinator confirms the engagement with the venue.
6.  The gig coordinator is then responsible for working with the Music and Dance Directors to insure that the following logistics are addressed.

-The Gig Announcement (email/calendars)
-Directions and parking instructions
-Dressing Rooms
-The Stage and "floor"
-Sound System
-Perquisite logistics (backstage passes, meal/drink tickets)
-Compensation logistics
-Guest Stars/Singers/Musicians/MCs
-Coordination with other bands (i.e. Sambaseros)

Note: This time period is based on the premise that any group that puts 10-20 performers on stage needs a minimum of two weeks to make a commitment.  The Music and Dance
Directors have been provided with one week to secure commitments from the performers based on the premise that the group meets at least once per week for rehearsals or classes (which reduces the necessity for email or phone "trees").

In special cases, the group may be able to commit to engagements with less than three weeks notice, but in these cases, it is up to the individual championing the gig to take responsibility for handling all extra efforts involved (including all items on the above list).